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W Hotels has announced that it will make its debut in Scotland with the opening of W Edinburgh in November.
The Marriott-owned brand is also due to unveil W Sydney in mid-October as its global expansion continues.
W Edinburgh, which will feature 199 rooms and 45 suites, will be located within the new St James Quarter development in the centre of the Scottish capital.
The hotel’s interiors have been designed by London-based practice Jestico + Whiles, which has “reimagined the best of Scotland with locally rooted influences” for the W Edinburgh’s decor.
The top floors of W Edinburgh will include the W Lounge, SushiSamba restaurant, Joao’s Place cocktail bar and terrace, and an outdoor terrace with panoramic views of the city’s skyline. There will also be an Away Spa and a fitness centre within the hotel.

Agnieszka Rog-Skrzyniarz, vice president of luxury brands, Europe, at Marriott International, said: With an unrivalled wealth of culture and vibrant arts scene, Edinburgh matches W Hotels legacy of embracing local creativity and talent.

“This property is set to be a stand-out destination hotel unlike anything else in the city, igniting guest’s curiosity and attracting locals drawn to the unique energy of the W brand.” 

On the other side of the world, W Sydney in the Australian city’s Darling Harbour district is also scheduled to make its long-awaited debut on 12 October.

The hotel will feature 585 rooms and suites, as well as the BTWN restaurant with views across the harbour, a double-level rooftop bar called 29/30, plus an Away Spa and fitness centre.

Craig Seaward, the hotel’s general manager, added: “W Hotels is a brand that was born in New York, but destined for Sydney. The pulse of the city is so aligned with the W spirit – the sense of originality and curiosity, the unique take on luxury, the bold attitude.”

W Sydney will be the design-led brand’s third property in Australia – it already has hotels in Melbourne and Brisbane.
