After a thorough inspection of numerous licensed premises within the Tumut region, the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) has identified the source of recent odours as coming from a Waste Management Facility on Killarney Road, Gilmore.
The odours have been described as a hydrogen sulphide/rotten egg smell and have generated more than 80 complaints to the EPA since late June.
The EPA has issued a clean-up notice to the licensee to undertake immediate works to mitigate the odours.
NSW EPA Executive Director Operations Carmen Dwyer said more work will be required in coming months, but residents should see an improvement over the next few days.
“The source of the odour was difficult to identify because it was so widespread, and I want to thank the community for their patience while multiple inspections occurred,” Ms Dwyer said.
“The information provided by the community was crucial to helping us narrow down our search and identify the source and we encourage people to report any further concerns to our Environment Line.
“We have required the licensee to apply immediate cover to the landfill to reduce odours and to engage an expert to provide further engineering recommendations advice for a long-term solution. The EPA is expecting further recommendations from experts over the weekend”.
EPA officers will continue to conduct odour surveys and inspections of the site over the weekend and coming days to ensure all practical measure are implemented.
The EPA will also continue to work with Safe Work and Fire and Rescue NSW (FRNSW) who attended the site with the EPA on Wednesday 19 July to undertake gas monitoring and install gas monitors have along the boundary of the premises.
NSW Health and Safework have been advised. The EPA will continue its investigations before considering potential regulatory action.
Further information about Hydrogen Sulphide can be found on the EPA website at: Odour investigations (
If you have any queries about the investigation, please contact the 24-hour Environment Line on 131 555 or email
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