Provided by PWCS
Summer Residential Governor’s Schools provide the annual opportunity for high school juniors and seniors to receive intensive educational experiences in various disciplines, ranging from the arts to engineering. Several students from Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) were selected to attend.
There are several academic programs being offered this summer, including agriculture at Virginia Tech University, humanities at Radford University, and mathematics, science, and technology at the University of Lynchburg. Visual and performing arts such as dance, music, theatre, are offered at Radford University. Christopher Newport University is hosting a mentorship program with Jefferson Laboratories on engineering. Furthermore, Governor’s Foreign Language Academies will be hosted at Washington and Lee University (French, German, and Spanish) and Randolph-Macon College (Japanese and Latin).
Students participating in the Governor’s Schools will live on a college or university campus for up to four weeks each summer, supervised by a director and student-life staff. During this time, students are involved in classroom and laboratory work, field studies, research, individual and group projects and performances, and seminars with noted scholars, visiting artists, and other professionals. During the mentorships, students are hand-picked to work side-by-side with research scientists, physicians, and a variety of other professionals. Students will engage with their peers on both a social and academic level, enriching their knowledge while creating long-lasting friendships.
The Jefferson Lab Engineering program is of notable significance for PWCS this year. Two students from Gainesville High School and one student from Charles J. Colgan Sr. High School will be attending the session this summer.
“We are happy to have one student accepted because of the level of competition,” said Jacqueline Overton, administrative coordinator for gifted education. “To have three students attending is exceptional and reflects the hard work and dedication of the students, their families, and their teachers.”
Students interested in the highly competitive mentorship begin preparing during their early high school years. The rigorous application process begins the November prior to their summer experience.
(includes agricultural and biological systems engineering, agricultural economics, animal science, plant science, and food science):
All 10th and 11th grade students are eligible to apply for the SRGS programs. The application process begins in October.
For more information, visit the Governor’s School webpage.
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