One of only three South Australian-headquartered companies to make the listing, SA Power Networks is about to start another graduate intake.
This article is sponsored by SA Power Networks
SA Power Networks has been named among Australia’s top graduate employers.
The timing of the recognition could not be better, with SA Power Networks about to open applications for engineering and IT graduates to join its 2024 paid graduate development program.
SA Power Networks, the RAA and DEWC Services are the only SA-headquartered businesses in the top-75 list issued by the Australian Association of Graduate Employers.
SA Power Networks was ranked 27th – the highest of any regulated energy distributor in Australia.
The aim of the Top Graduate Employers list is to recognise those organisations that provide the most positive experience for their new graduates as determined by the graduates themselves.
SA Power Networks manages the distribution network that delivers electricity to about 1.7 million South Australians and is spearheading South Australia’s rapid transition to a net-100 per cent renewable energy system.
The business is recognised nationally for its pioneering role in transitioning the network to support customers investing in energy resources such as solar panels, batteries and electric vehicles.
South Australia leads the world in its transition to a net-100 per cent renewable energy system with world-leading levels of solar penetration.
Several innovations developed by SA Power Networks in response to emerging issues are now being replicated interstate.
A total of 22 graduates have just commenced in SA Power Networks’ 2023 intake, undertaking a comprehensive induction program.
SA Power Networks’ head of corporate affairs Paul Roberts was keen to see more graduates join.
“There could not be a better time to commence a graduate program with us,” Roberts said.
“We are at the leading edge internationally in managing this transition and are focused on innovation that provides benefits for customers and our community.
“In March, we will commence a targeted promotional campaign for our next graduate intake in 2024.”
“Almost all of the graduates who have gone through our program have stayed on with us to carve out a career in electricity distribution.
“Our graduates tell us that the number of rotations they have during the programs and their exposure to innovative projects give them a breadth of experience they simply can’t get anywhere else in South Australia.”
Applications for the 2024 intake close 30 April 2023. See recent graduates talking about their experience and learn more about the program at Graduate program – SA Power Networks.
