Brunswick County is issuing this Invitation to Bid (“ITB”) for On-Call Construction Services. Additional details regarding the scope of services are more fully set forth herein and in the Form of Proposal, Work Tasks 1 and 2, attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference.
Brunswick County reserves the right to award a contract for each Work Task to one Bidder or multiple contracts to multiple Bidders based on the bid totals for each distinctive Work Task set forth herein (two total).
Any contract that is awarded shall be for a period of one (1) year commencing with the Notice of Award. The amount of each contract for each Work Task shall not exceed a total of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($250,000.00). Work under a contract shall be assigned on an as-needed basis to be determined by Brunswick County in its sole and absolute discretion. Contract award does not authorize a notice to proceed. Should a contract be activated, Brunswick County will issue a formal Task Order, which sets forth the services to be performed, as well as a Notice to Proceed for said services. No work is guaranteed under any contract.
Scope of Services
Services may include, but are not necessarily limited to, those set forth below and in the attached Form of Proposal, Work Tasks 1 and 2.
Any changes to the specifications or Scope of Work or Tasks 1 and 2 or clarifications to the bidding documents will be made in the form of an Addendum to this Invitation to Bid. All Addenda will be supplied to known prospective Contractors and posted on the Brunswick County website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractors are responsible for ensuring that they have all addenda. Brunswick County reserves the right to develop specific Scopes of Work for individual projects utilizing a Task Order under any contract.
Bid Submittal Requirements
Sealed bids must be received by 3:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, in the Brunswick County Public Utilities Operations Center located at 250 Grey Water Road NE, Supply, NC 28462. Shortly thereafter, the bids will be opened publicly and read aloud.
Brunswick County will not be responsible for the failure of any mail or delivery service to deliver a bid prior to the stated date and time. Regardless of the manner of submission, any bid received after the stated date and time will not be considered. Incomplete bids or bids inconsistent with the required format may be disqualified from consideration.
Each contract awarded shall be one (1) Single Prime Contract per Work Task.
Pre-Bid Meeting -N/A
Site Visitation – N/A
Additional Information
Brunswick County reserves the unqualified right to reject any and all bids or to waive any informalities or technical defects. Further, Brunswick County reserves the right to cancel the work described herein prior to issuance and acceptance of any contractual agreement even if the Board of Commissioners has formally accepted the recommendation.
Brunswick County reserves the right to request financial information for any Contractor, in order to support the viability of the Contractor.
Brunswick County will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by a Contractor in submitting a bid or for any other activities associated therewith.
Contractors must be properly licensed. Additional Instructions to Bidders are included in the Contract Documents.
All decisions of Brunswick County shall be final and binding.
Sealed bids will be received until 3:00 p.m. ET on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, in the Brunswick County Public Utilities Operations Center in Supply, NC, for the furnishing of labor, material, and equipment associated with: On-Call Construction Services. Shortly thereafter the bids will be opened publicly and read aloud.
Sealed bids shall be labeled with the project name, Contractor’s name, address, and license number and must be marked “SEALED BID, DO NOT OPEN.” Bids shall be sent to:
Shipping Service or Hand Delivery US Post Office
Brunswick County Public Utilities Brunswick County Public Utilities
Utilities Operations Center Attention: Mario Barron
Attention: Mario Barron P. O. Box 249
250 Grey Water Road NE Bolivia, NC 28422
Supply, NC 28462
(910) 253-2657
Brunswick County will not be responsible for the failure of any mail or delivery service to deliver a bid prior to the stated date and time. Regardless of the manner of submission, any bid received after the stated date and time will not be considered. Incomplete bids or bids inconsistent with the required format may be disqualified from consideration.
Project Description: On-Call Construction Services. The foregoing description shall not be construed as a complete description of all work required.
Bids will be received as Single Prime. All bids shall be lump sum pricing with provisions for unit prices as indicated in the Form of Proposal. Each contract awarded will be for a period of one (1) year commencing with the Notice of Award.
Site Visitation: N/A
Pre-Bid Meeting: N/A
Questions: Any questions or requests for further information or clarification shall be submitted in writing to Mario Barron via email to no later than 3:00 PM ET on, October 18, 2023. A copy of all questions, further clarifications, and answers will be made in the form of an Addendum to this Invitation to Bid and will be provided to all known Contractors and posted on the County’s website. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Contractors will be responsible for ensuring that they have all addenda. Contractors are expressly prohibited from contacting any Brunswick County official or employee regarding this Invitation to Bid, except in the manner noted in this section. A violation of this provision is grounds for the immediate disqualification of the Contractor.
Copies of the Contract Documents can be downloaded at or
Copies of all Brunswick County standard specifications and details may be reviewed at:
Brunswick County Government Complex
30 Government Center Dr NE.
Bolivia, NC 28422
(800) 442-7033
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