This is a joint news release between the Government of Yukon, the Government of Canada and the City of Dawson.
The Government of Canada, the Government of Yukon and the City of Dawson are partnering on the development of five new residential building lots and returning services to many existing properties in Dawson’s North End.
The North End Development project will see the municipality lead the creation of new building lots, located within walking distance of downtown. As part of this project, municipal water and wastewater services will be extended to properties in the area, ensuring sustainable local services for current and future residents.
Recently, a project milestone was achieved with the awarding of a contract for the engineering work. Upon completion this will encompass residential building lots and over 200 metres of freshwater lines and sewer mains, accompanied by well designed roads and ditches.
This joint initiative aligns with the Government of Yukon’s ongoing efforts to meet the housing demands driven by the region’s rising population. By working together, the partners aim to provide well planned housing options that will improve the quality of life for Yukoners and enhance existing neighbourhoods.
For more information about the North End Development project, visit
The development of residential lots and the extension of essential municipal services will address the housing needs within the community and bring growth to Dawson City. The Government of Canada is proud to be collaborating with the Government of Yukon on this important project that will meet the growing demands for housing in the Yukon.
Member of Parliament for Yukon Dr. Brendan Hanley  on behalf of Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure and Communities the Honourable Dominic LeBlanc
The Government of Yukon supports opportunities for municipalities, like Dawson City, to lead in the creation of new lots and the expansion of municipal services. This partnership highlights our commitment to address the pressing need for housing options in the territory and supports the sustainable growth of Dawson City. I would like to thank the Government of Canada for its continued support and funding flexibility for projects like this in the North. 
Minister of Community Services Richard Mostyn 
This project invests in municipal servicing that will help address long identified environmental and public health concerns, and it will also add much needed residential lots to our community. The City of Dawson is happy to see this project come to fruition after a great deal of effort by multiple councils, over many years.
City of Dawson Mayor William Kendrick 
The Government of Canada is contributing $2,550,000 to this project.
The Government of Canada’s funding comes from the Green Infrastructure Stream of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program. This stream helps build greener communities by contributing to climate change preparedness, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and supporting renewable technologies.
Under the Investing in Canada Plan, the federal government is investing more than $180 billion over 12 years in public transit projects, green infrastructure, social infrastructure, trade and transportation routes, and Canada’s rural and northern communities.
The Government of Yukon will provide $850,000, or 25 per cent of the project costs.
Up to $3,400,000 will be provided to the City of Dawson, who will manage the project.
Renée Francoeur
Cabinet Communications
John Tonin
Communications, Community Services
© 2023 Government of Yukon
