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Australian racing legend Gai Waterhouse has lined up behind critics of the Minns government’s plan to grant Racing NSW’s powerful chair an unprecedented 14-year term on the board.
The extension of Russell Balding’s board tenure by another two years – which is well beyond the maximum 10 years for statutory authorities and will require parliament to lift the legal cap for a third time – has divided rich and powerful figures within the Australian racing industry.
Gai Waterhouse said an extension of Russell Balding’s board tenure “would reflect bad governance”.Credit: Eamon Gallagher
The former chair of Racing NSW and Racing Australia, John Messara, told the Herald on Wednesday that Premier Chris Minns should overturn the decision, while Magic Millions co-owner and Harvey Norman chief executive Katie Page said the extension was problematic. Others are unhappy but don’t want to stick their necks out – yet.
On Wednesday, Waterhouse entered the fray, issuing a statement in which she said she agreed with Messara and Page that an extension “would reflect bad governance”.
“Anyone who knows anything about racing would generally respect and back John Messara, who is the doyen of Australian racing,” she said. “I also think it is very important that any refresh of the Racing NSW board selects directors that have good experience and knowledge of racing.”
Waterhouse, a champion trainer who has graced the racing scene for decades, said she had not been consulted by the NSW Trainers Association before it endorsed Balding’s extension, although she does not sit on its board and the board was under no real obligation to consult its members.
Still, Waterhouse left CBD with no doubt about what her position would have been had she been asked whether the association should get involved: “I would not have supported it,” she said. Ouch.
When Scott Morrison and Boris Johnson blundered into Israel last week to show solidarity with the country during its war with Hamas, it showed the two former prime ministers have much in common.
Both fancy themselves as patrician elder statesmen, are deeply committed to the state of Israel and share the impulsive approach to foreign affairs they displayed while in office, but there’s a big difference when it comes to the professional realm.
Morrison is still a humble servant of the Australian taxpayer, eking out a living on the Liberal backbench as member for Cook. That British defence consulting gig hasn’t yet materialised, and Scomo’s retirement date has dragged on from “any day now” to “possibly at the next election”. He did always leave things late!
Johnson, meanwhile, left parliament in June, months after pocketing a $4.8 million advance speaker fee from New York’s Harry Walker Agency. Since leaving office last year, he’s pocketed donations, gifts and travel totalling nearly $10 million.
So it’s only fair that Bojo paid for the Israel trip, with Morrison’s register of interest disclosures confirming his British buddy had covered return flights between London and Tel Aviv, plus security, accommodation and incidentals.
Morrison was already in the United Kingdom for Jordan Peterson’s big conservative jamboree last week. When you’re on a backbencher’s salary, it helps to have generous friends.
Bruce Lehrmann, the former Liberal staffer who was accused of sexually assaulting Brittany Higgins is still out and about in Sydney, as he prepares to face, and defend two unrelated charges of sexual assault in Queensland. He is defending those charges.
A rape trial in Canberra over Higgins’ allegations (which Lehrmann vehemently denies) was aborted last year, and the charge were ultimately dropped by the prosecution.
Lehrmann, meanwhile, was spotted tucking into seafood with colourful Sydney criminal barrister Margaret Cunneen at Balmoral’s Bathers’ Pavilion on Monday night. Lehrmann is a fan of Cunneen’s, recently recommending her biography The Boxing Butterfly in a statement responding to news of Higgins’ memoir.
A former crown prosecutor turned defence barrister, recently representing disgraced NRL star turned convicted rapist Jarryd Hayne, Cunneen has had her share of moments in the legal spotlight.
In 2015, the Independent Commission Against Corruption’s attempts to investigate her for allegedly perverting the course of justice, was tossed out by the High Court.
CBD’s spies couldn’t identify the other diners, and neither party would return our calls. Although inveterate Twitter poster John Macgowan wasn’t among them – the freelance consultant, who’s worked for Lehrmann since last year’s trial, is no longer assisting the former staffer.
Craig Hutchison, boss of sprawling media empire Sports Entertainment Group (SEG) has been having an up-and-down sort of year.
The hyperactive entrepreneur, whose group of companies faces “material uncertainty” about its ongoing viability, offloaded his luxury Cremorne apartment in April for a million bucks.
Sounds like “Hutchie” did all right on that one, eh? Except that when the stunning three-bedder in the flash Coppins Corner building, boasting sweeping views across to the sports-mad businessman’s beloved Melbourne Cricket Ground, was first sold as a new-build in 2017, it fetched more than $1.3 million.
It looks like Hutchison, who did not respond on Wednesday to CBD’s request for comment, is the victim of circumstances on this one.
The development – part of an ambitious plan to transform the old Nylex site, with its iconic concrete silos, into multi-million dollar mixed-use precinct – was recording excellent sales prices for builder Caydon Property Group when the units first went on the market in 2017 and 2018.
But after Caydon Property Group collapsed into receivership last year, plunging the project into uncertainty, many owners have sold at a loss. That said, we haven’t come across another apartment plunging in value by $300,000.
Never mind. With Hutchison busy on Wednesday assuring employees and the stock exchange that everything was actually going great at SEG, we’re sure he will be just fine.
Even lifelong Sydneysiders might struggle to point out the City of Canada Bay Council on a map. How that smattering of forgotten waterfront locales at the Italian end of the Inner West survived the last Liberal government’s aggressive council amalgamation plan is one of our city’s great mysteries.
But Canada Bay made a triumphant return to the news last week, when the council’s longstanding mayor and former Labor federal election hopeful Angelos Tsirekas was found to have engaged in serious corrupt conduct by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
Tsirekas accepted overseas travel and luxury hotel stays worth several thousand dollars from property developers, in return for helping them out, and was suspended from civic office by the state government hours after ICAC’s finding.
But the real victim in all this isn’t Tsirekas’ political aspirations, or the residents of Five Dock, but the poor members of Russell Lea Women’s Soccer Club. They were set to be the beneficiaries of the Mayor’s Golf Day this Friday, which is still up on the council’s website. On Wednesday, CBD confirmed the event is now cancelled.
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