The University of Western Australia is offering more courses than ever before. Join us and Seek Wisdom.
The University of Western Australia is offering more courses than ever before. Join us and Seek Wisdom.

The University of Western Australia is offering more courses than ever before. Join us and Seek Wisdom.
The University of Western Australia is offering more courses than ever before. Join us and Seek Wisdom.
The University of Western Australia is offering more courses than ever before. Join us and Seek Wisdom.
University of Western Australia
An engineering student from The University of Western Australia who loves Aussie Rules Football and working on his car has been named the 2024 Rhodes Scholar for WA.
Caleb McKenna, 23, said it was incredible to be named the 2024 scholar and was looking forward to studying at Oxford University next year and, hopefully, watch a game of cricket at Lords.
The Fogarty Foundation Scholar, who was born in Northam, has a Bachelor of Philosophy, majoring in Engineering Science and Physics and is currently undertaking a Master of Professional Engineering.
The former Warwick Senior High School student said he wanted to continue studying engineering science at Oxford.
“I hope to look at floating offshore wind as the next step for renewable energy generation,” he said.
“I think development in renewable energy generation technologies is a really crucial step towards the climate change fight and moving towards a clean energy future.”
Rhodes Scholarships are awarded based on academic excellence, as well as talents including creative or sporting abilities, traits such as courage and kindness and strength of character.
His Excellency the Honourable Chris Dawson, Governor of Western Australia, announced the Rhodes Scholar today at a ceremony at Government House.
“I have always believed that we grow great leaders in the State better than any other, and the six young people who made up this year’s Rhodes Scholarship candidates are testament to that,” Governor Dawson said.
“Today Caleb joins a long list of West Australian Rhode Scholars who have come before him including a former prime minister, governor, premier, chief justice and multitude of corporate and community leaders.
“It has been a privilege to be involved in this process and I wish Caleb every success on this next exciting chapter in his learning journey.”
Caleb becomes the 109th UWA student to be chosen as a Rhodes Scholar. Others include Dr Marina Hughes (née Barbour), paediatric cardiologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital in London; Justice Elizabeth Hollingworth, at 42 the youngest judge to be appointed to the Supreme Court of Victoria in 2004; and physician scientist Professor Fiona Pixley, head of Pharmacology and Toxicology at UWA.
The University of Western Australia
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Perth WA 6009 Australia
+61 8 6488 6000
+61 8 6488 2222
CRICOS: 00126G | PRV12169 Australian University.
The University of Western Australia acknowledges that its campus is situated on Noongar land, and that Noongar people remain the spiritual and cultural custodians of their land, and continue to practise their values, languages, beliefs and knowledge.
