Coronation Property has revealed their first stage of their recently acquired Erskineville block in the growing Ashmore Estate.
Coronation Property, who 18 months ago snared around 50,000 sqm of the Ashmore Estate development from Greenland Golden Horse, has submitted plans for Upsy Erko, a collection of buildings with 146 apartments at 155 Mitchell Road.
Architecture firm Silvester Fuller won the City of Sydney Design Competition over submissions by FJMT and MHNDU who supplied a plan jointly with Archer Office.
The brief by the City of Sydney panel was to "develop a superior residential development outcome for the site that reinforces the desired neighbourhood character of Ashmore and Erskineville."
First look Urban reveal: Coronation Property's plans for Upsy Erko
The plans by Silvester Fuller were selected by the expert panel as part of the City of Sydney Design Competition, a mandatory part of the planning process for developments of this scale. The panel suggested the scheme by Silvester Fuller offers a unique built form that is the most compliant with the Stage 1 Concept envelope.
"The proposed scale and form are highly responsive to the surrounding existing and future development and presents a strong relationship between the park, the street and the through-site link. The internal planning is considered excellent and highly successful.
"The Silvester Fuller submission included excellent floorplate planning, rigorous apartment layout, three core arrangement with two lifts per core, generous entry lobbies and arrival areas within the apartments which made it stand out from the other submissions. The building separation relationship with the western neighbour is also a positive."
First look Urban reveal: Coronation Property's plans for Upsy Erko
Upsy Erko, otherwise known as Block E or Stage 3 of the development, will have 146 apartments, from studios to a single four-bedroom apartment. The majority of apartments are two and three-beds, a large portion of which have an additional study room.
Given strict planning laws don't allow for street-level activation like cafes, Silvester Fuller created apartments which present more as terrace homes. They have two or three-bedrooms, the third bedroom access through sliding doors on the main living area.
Their designs also incorporated a striking pitched roof above the "roof apartments", which are the largest in the development. They have between 110 sqm and 143 of internal living area and a further 66 sqm plus of balconies and wrap around terraces.
Despite no ground-level retail, Silvester Fuller has planned a communal "pavilion in the park", a multi-purpose, bookable room within the garden. There's also further private residential amenity in the form of a rooftop garden in the northern building wing with views of the city. 
"This garden has been designed as a collection of outdoor rooms enabling multiple groups and individuals the opportunity to find and occupy their own space," Silvester Fuller noted in their Design Statement.
"The rooftop garden being open to sky with excellent solar access contrasts with the more protected ground plane providing a variety of outdoor spaces suitable for different times throughout the day and seasons all year round."
First look Urban reveal: Coronation Property's plans for Upsy Erko
Silvester Fuller said the vision for Upsy Erko is to reflect the uniqueness and capture the spirit of Erskineville.
"Located on the edge of McPherson Park within the Inner West Sydney suburb of Erskineville, this neighbourhood is unique. Not as serious as the East, quirkier than the beaches, not as straight as the North shore and certainly edgier than the West.
"Upsy Erko aims to capture the spirit of this place, the greater neighbourhood and the specific qualities offered by the site itself – fun and joyful – reflecting the anticipated play and recreation offered by the park adjacent.
"Much like the location itself, our vision for Upsy Erko is to foster a community of multi-cultural, multi-generational occupants and provide moments of joy and delight for all those who pass her by
"Upsy Erko balances the playful and the pragmatic, the whimsical and the whacky, wrapped in an overall concept focused on creating uplifting spaces to be in and around – a building to make you smile."
The frontage to the new park is direct, with no road between the building and the green.
First look Urban reveal: Coronation Property's plans for Upsy Erko
"This presents an opportunity for a closer relationship between the apartment interiors and the park beyond – the building skin able to open freely with reduced acoustic and pollutant pressures"."
"The architectural tones serve as a backdrop to the soft landscape of the park, sending forward the curated collection of native flora. The home types within Upsy Erko are focused around family life, with families coming in a variety of shapes and sizes. From people living alone with occasional guests through to larger families full of children and pets, there is a diversity of apartments and town houses to call home – a home for everyone in Upsy Erko."
There are sustainable elements in Upsy Erko, including double glazing, rainwater capture and re-use, rooftop solar panels and natural ventilation.
"Our vision is the creation of a new building that makes a positive contribution to its neighbourhood and extends the ecological systems of the masterplan by creating healthy new homes, energising the public realm and supporting a culture of a creative and cohesive residential community."
The Ashmore Estate is the largest precinct identified for urban renewal within the City of Sydney Local Government Area and historically comprised large warehouse buildings. The redevelopment of the Ashmore Estate is a staged development resulting in approximately 1,400 new dwellings, new retail floor space and public domain works.
Ashmore Estate will accommodate around 6,000 residents as development is staged over 10 years.
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