Showing the breadth of influence of engineering, this year’s recipients included engineers working in road safety, education, technology, social services and the military.

Engineers Australia National President Dr Nick Fleming says he is proud to see the work of our members acknowledged.
“I congratulate each of our members listed in the 2023 King’s Birthday Honours list. Their dedication to improving their local communities and the profession is something all engineers can respect.”
“We know that great engineering has a positive and lasting impact on society. Australia will continue to benefit from the service of the engineers recognised today for many years to come.”
Engineers Australia CEO Romilly Madew AO says the King’s Birthday Honours shine a light on those who’ve worked hard to make impactful and positive contributions to society.
“Engineers have a critical role to play in helping the nation and the world take leaps forward to address the challenges we face,” she says.
“Whether they are developing technology to help tackle global issues like climate change, mentoring their younger peers or volunteering at their local sporting club, engineers give their time and expertise in meaningful ways.
“Their contributions make a difference and Engineers Australia is pleased to see them receive this recognition that is so justly deserved.”
Engineers Australia members honoured for their service to the profession include:
Have we missed someone? Let us know in the comments section who should be added to the list.
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Congratulations absolute legends ?❤️
What an achievement. Congratulations to all.
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