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The City of Delta is planning to update its subdivision and development standards.
A request for proposals was recently issued for a qualified consulting firm with an experienced team of planners, engineers and technical staff to complete a review and update.
According to the city, the current subdivision bylaw was last substantially in 2015, but since that time engineering standards, practices, products, materials and community objectives have changed considerably, which has created a growing gap between the bylaw requirements and community needs.
“The City is processing a high volume of development applications throughout the City as well as large-scale development opportunities which will add significant residential density and provide housing choices, employment space and deliver a range of community amenities. As the City moves forward in the future, it is important to have updated Subdivision Bylaw specifications/standards to facilitate timely review of proposals and ensure delivery of quality engineering infrastructure that contribute to community objectives,” the city explains in its request for proposals.
Staff are to review the recommendations next spring.
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