Each year, Clough celebrates the outstanding contributions of its long-serving team members. This year, we celebrate and congratulate Dave Hartfiel on a remarkable 30 years with Clough. This is Dave’s journey…

“I began my time with Clough in 1987 on Misima Island, Papua New Guinea. I commenced on a contractual basis and later, on my return to Australia in 1993, transferred to a full-time position within the company. 

“Over my 30 years with Clough, I have worked all over Australia, in Queensland, Western Australia, New South Wales, South Australia, and the Northern Territory. I have also had the opportunity to work in Papua New Guinea, Indonesia, Thailand, and Holland. 

“For approximately 15 years, I was Clough’s Chief Engineering Surveyor before moving into Construction Management. It has been very rewarding to work with so many great people over these years on so many unique projects.

“It is the people that make a company, and it is those colleague-friendships that have made my 30 years so rewarding.

“It was my older brother Wayne, who had worked for Clough for many years, who got me onto Clough. He called me one day, saying Clough was chasing a Surveyor in PNG. I initially declined that offer, but after several more calls, he convinced me to join.

“A highlight of my time with Clough was really a good period of 12 years, where I was involved in six extremely challenging but successful LNG Marine projects with a joint venture.

“I recall in the 1990s when Clough had a vast array of business lines, including offshore construction, foundation piling, plant hire, land development, building, engineering and construction. We then transformed into more of an Oil and Gas engineering and construction focussed company, and now, today, we have transformed again to add a greater infrastructure focus backed by Webuild’s experience.

“As I head towards the twilight of my career, what excites me about the future of Clough is seeing clever young people I have worked with successfully taking on more senior roles and ensuring that the ‘Clough Way’ lives on.

“The advice I can give after these 30 years with Clough – You will make mistakes. We all do, so don’t fear them. 50% of your decisions will be right, 25% of your mistakes can be resolved or fixed, and the other 25% you will learn from. So, have a crack!”
