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New partnership will see Quanton supporting Automation Anywhere customers across the region to scale up.
Gary Green (Quanton)
A deal with Automation Anywhere has New Zealand transformation and automation specialist Quanton eyeing the broader Australia and New Zealand (A/NZ) market.
The new collaboration will see Quanton implementing and supporting Automation Anywhere robotic process automation (RPA) and intelligent automation deployments across both countries.

Automation Anywhere offers a range of both attended and unattended RPA bots used across industries such as healthcare, financial services, insurance, manufacturing, the public sector and utilities.
Garry Green, managing director and founder of Quanton, said Automation Anywhere offers a cost-effective, sophisticated, secure cloud offering, that when coupled with Quanton’s expertise, experience and “value engineering” approach would enable businesses to rapidly increase their productivity and support growth.
Automation Anywhere, which works with the channel through partners in each region, had invested heavily in recent years to ensure its offerings were cloud native, enabling them to scale from mid-market to the largest enterprises. 
Automation Anywhere regional vice-president for ASEAN and A/NZ Andrew Foot said Quanton’s engineering expertise, internal resources and ability to manage the full end-to-end lifecycle of an automation implementation was attractive to the vendor.
“Knowledge workers spend up to 30 per cent of their working hours manually inputting data or handling other mundane, repetitive tasks,” Foot said. 
“Deploying intelligent automation enables teams to offload these business processes to digital workers allowing every employee to increase their productivity so they can spend more time on innovating, building relationships, and driving business growth.”
 The partnership with Quanton would help more organisations across the region to connect applications and easily scale automation, he said.
Green said the deal would help open up the New Zealand market for Automation Anywhere, and enable Quanton to “leapfrog” into Australia, where Automation Anywhere has a number of customers keen to scale.
“There are businesses who have implemented it, but not really scaled and we’re well positioned to help them on their journey, as well as bring on new clients,” Green said.
Green was particularly bullish about Automation Anywhere’s potential in the healthcare and insurance markets, where organisations were burdened with heavy manual loads and a lack of resources and people.
Earlier this year Automation Anywhere was named a leader in Gartner’s Magic Quadrant for robotic process automation for the fourth consecutive year.
According to its website, Quanton also works with Blue Prism, UiPath, ABBYY, Enate,, Data Robot and Microsoft’s Power Platform.
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Tags Robotic Process AutomationRPAAutomation AnywhereQuantondigital transformationtransformation
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