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BELLEVUE, Wash., October 6, 2022—On Monday, Puget Sound Energy (PSE) files with the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) to increase natural gas rates effective on November 1, 2022. PSE services natural gas to Snohomish County.
A typical residential natural gas customer the uses 64 therms per month would see an increase in their bill from $75.59 to $88.45 (or 17.01%).
According to the notice, PSE has requested to increase natural gas to reflect fluctuations in the price of natural gas in the wholesale market. The overall average increase in rates would be 17.32 percent. The cost of natural gas is shown on the monthly PSE bill as “Gas Cost.”
The other component of the increase to Puget Sound Energy gas rates is to recover costs from Nov. 1, 2021, through Oct. 31, 2022, for the replacement of aging natural gas pipelines. The CRM rates are shown on your monthly PSE bill as “Other Natural Gas Charges & Credits” and will be an average increase of 0.54 percent.
On January 31, 2022, PSE filed a general rate case with UTC requesting a multiyear adjustment to electric rates to take effect January 1, 2023. The key drivers for the rate increases are to decarbonize energy systems to comply with state mandates and to recover more than four years of capital and operating improvements not billed to customers.
The proposal would increase electricity rates for residential customers an average of 15.8% in 2023, another 2.62% in 2024, and 1.2% in 2025.
Bill assistance programs are available to help those struggling to pay their energy bills. PSE customers can go to or call 1-888-333-9882 to learn if they are eligible. Payment plans are also available.
To comment to the UTC on PSE’s requested rate changes: use the online comment form at; email; phone 1-888-333-9882; or write to P.O. Box 47250, Olympia, WA, 98504-7250. Please include your name, mailing address, the name of the company (PSE), and electric and natural gas docket number(s).
Puget Sound Energy serves approximately 1.1 million electric customers and more than 790,000 natural gas customers in 10 counties. A subsidiary of Puget Energy, PSE meets the energy needs of its customers, in part, through incremental, cost-effective energy efficiency, procurement of sustainable energy resources, and farsighted investment in the energy-delivery infrastructure. PSE employees are dedicated to providing great customer service and delivering energy that is safe, dependable and efficient.
Mario Lotmore is originally from The Bahamas and for the last seven years has called Mukilteo, WA his home. Having lived in every region of the United States has exposed him to various cultures, people, and approaches to life. Lotmore created the Lynnwood Times to represent the character of a diverse and growing Lynnwood. The launching of the city’s community newspaper will only help bring neighborhoods together. Lotmore was an industrial engineer by trade and proven success implementing and managing lean accountable processes and policies within his eighteen years of operations excellence, strategic development, and project management in the aerospace, manufacturing, and banking industries. Over his career he has saved and created hundreds of union and non-union jobs. Lotmore is the President of a Homeowner Association, an active Science Technology Engineering and Mathematics volunteer in his community, and former Boeing 747 Diversity Council leader. Mario’s talent is finding “that recipe” of shared destiny to effectively improve the quality of life for others.
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