We are committed to unlocking land for industrial and commercial development.
We create economic and community outcomes for South Australia through residential, commercial, industrial and urban renewal projects.
Global engineering, management and development consultancy, Mott MacDonald which is engaged by Walker Corporation to provide civil and structural engineering services for the Festival Plaza redevelopment, have been awarded Engineers Australia’s South Australian Project of the Year.

Mott MacDonald’s civil and structural engineering services have supported the delivery of a solution that demonstrates how innovative engineering can seamlessly blend to create an inventive, dynamic, and functional design in a prominent public setting.

The $1 billion Festival Plaza redevelopment, delivery by Renewal SA, Department of Infrastructure and Transport and Walker Corporation is a key component to the success of the broader Adelaide Riverbank, as it will not only generate economic growth, but it will also become a destination of choice for local, interstate and overseas visitors. A vibrant destination with people-focused spaces to explore, congregate, relax, shop, dine and play.

The Engineers Australia Excellence Awards seeks to recognise and reward outstanding achievement in engineering. Local winners will go on to represent their division at the national awards in Melbourne later this year.
Level 16, 11 Waymouth Street
Adelaide 5000 SA
(08) 8207 1300

GPO Box 698
Adelaide 5001 SA
We acknowl­edge the Tra­di­tion­al Own­ers and Cus­to­di­ans of the Lands through­out South Aus­tralia. We respect and sup­port their spir­i­tu­al rela­tion­ship with Coun­try and con­nec­tion to their land, waters and com­mu­ni­ty. As an organ­i­sa­tion that is pas­sion­ate about cre­at­ing a bet­ter future for all South Aus­tralians, we are com­mit­ted to work­ing with First Nations peo­ples to ensure Cul­ture and Coun­try is respect­ed in every­thing we do and is rep­re­sent­ed through our peo­ple and projects. View our Inno­vate Rec­on­cil­i­a­tion Action Plan.
© 2023 Renewal SA.
