With two days left until Australia votes, create spoke with Engineers Australia’s Chief Engineer Jane MacMaster FIEAust CPEng for her insights on the key policy issues engineers should be looking out for such as climate change and sovereign capabilities.
Read further analysis and commentary on the key federal election topics on create below:
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Most of what you said is very relevant except I would not keep harping on net zero emissions . Engineers will make it all happen whatever the targets are. One big thing you should have focused on was the nation must keep improving on productivity/efficiency and engineers are well placed to lead this- any fool can make things cheaper, but only smart engineers can make things both cheaper and BETTER.
Nice to see the thoughts about sovereign supply chain. I think the pandemic toilet paper analogy was relevant to car pricing, fuel costs, and specialist pharma like ventolin for asthma, other more important issues emerging from Covid-19. We are a very long way away from everywhere except Jakarta and New Zealand, so all of our major resources need a rethink. The previous govt shut down the car sector, and was proposing to close Australia’s refineries. This is obviously not a great future. I also think “electrify everything” should be our engineering mantra, to avoid reliance on fossil fuels that are running out. Let’s make eCars here, and plug their 80 kW battery into our rooftop solar during the day once a week, and use the car to run the house at night.
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