When she was working with the Australian Government’s signals intelligence and security department, the Australian Signals Directorate (ASD), Professor Jill Slay AM was handed a challenge. The ASD wanted cyber security to become an engineering discipline.
All of the standards around cyber security had previously been defined through an applied computing or information systems lens. But the ASD saw the challenge as a greater one, as an issue that could be at least partially resolved by combining physical and digital domains.
“I had previously not thought about cyber security as an engineering discipline,” Slay, now SmartSat Cooperative Research Centre Professorial Chair in Cyber Security, at UniSA, says.
“I did a lot of research around the topic and realised people define resilience depending on their disciplinary perspective. So for the aerospace engineer, they’re looking at structural resilience, etc. This helped me understand that there are a lot of different engineering perspectives on security and cyber security. That’s the path I’ve been going down, ever since.”
Slay has since developed a Master of Telecommunications and Cyber Engineering degree, as well as a research group that includes an electrical engineer, telecoms engineer, several systems engineers and numerous PhD students.
“This all crosses various disciplines to create what I’m calling cyber engineering,” she says.
At the same time, Engineers Australia has developed the Cyber Engineering Community of Practice, a forum for engineers working in cyber-related roles to come together to share ideas, develop skills and network with fellow cyber engineers.
The Cyber Engineering Community of Practice is headed up by Major General Marcus Thompson AM FIEAust CPEng, one of Slay’s past PhD students.
“Cyber is … relevant to every discipline of engineering,” Thompson says.
“There are engineers … contributing to the cyber resilience of industry, government and, indeed, the nation. This new Community of Practice is an opportunity for not only engineers working in those roles, but anyone interested in learning or sharing cyber related information, to come together.”
When a major cyber incident occurs, such as the recent Optus cyber attack, headlines draw attention to cyber security failings.
Slay, who worked with Optus for two years, says the breach “looks like a first year undergraduate IT problem. It’s a mistake made by a very inexperienced person who connected a production network to a test network but did not secure it.”
However, the field of cyber engineering, and Engineers Australia’s Cyber Engineering Community of Practice, is about moving beyond the headlines and instilling a permanent and powerful knowledge of cyber best-practice in all engineers.
“That’s important, because the earlier you bring cyber security into a project, the better,” says Bruce Large MIEAust, Operational Technology Cyber Security Team Leader at Powerlink Queensland and incoming Chair of the of the Queensland branch of Engineers Australia’s Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering (ITEE) College.
“Part of this is about making decisions about what you’re not going to do and what you are going to do. If you make decisions without the right participants or without the right knowledge, you might have to rework. That means a hit to time, cost and quality.
“The more you can put security into the business process rather than only into the technology, the better. For engineering projects, it’s about knowing the context of the engineering requirements and the security requirements and trading off the opportunities with the risks.”
There are IT components within engineered systems, Large says. Often, the engineers don’t understand the IT complexities, and the IT professionals don’t understand the engineering requirements.
It’s time to develop a common language for a better outcome, he says.
“That’s where things like the Cyber Engineering Community of Practice are very powerful,” Large says. “When you run cyber risk assessments, having the right people in the room now means having an engineer in the room.”
Large suggests the Purdue model of enterprise reference architecture as a good planning tool. The model considers the physical requirements of a build, as well as the roles of intelligent devices, control systems, manufacturing operations systems and business logistics systems.
If there’s one thing all engineers should have an understanding of for better cyber results, it’s threat modelling, Large says.
“This is about understanding the system you’re building in terms of who wants to attack it, how you’re going to secure it and how you’re going to have the ability to regularly check that it’s secure,” he says.
Shireane McKinnie HonFIEAust, a member of the ITEE College Board and Chair of the Cyber Engineering Working Group, agrees with the essential nature of knowledge around threat modelling. And it is essential – in the 2020-21 financial year alone, she says, the Australian Cyber Security Centre received over 67,500 cybercrime reports, representing estimated losses of more than $33 billion.
McKinnie believes engineers are perfectly placed to know how assets connect with each other.
“You need to take a whole-of-life approach and a whole-of-systems approach,” she says. “You have to know where your system sits and how and where it’s interconnected with other systems.”
“When people don’t have a strong understanding of all of their assets and how those assets connect to each other, they can’t understand their exposure to potential attacks.”
That essential knowledge even comes down to realising the security implications of supply chain and procurement decisions.
“When I was with Defence, we had an issue with counterfeit parts,” McKinnie says. “If parts were counterfeit, we couldn’t be certain of the level of reliability. We were working on counter-IED devices, so we needed absolute precision around how they were going to operate.”
A simple way to understand the level of knowledge an engineer requires around cyber security, McKinnie says, is to consider it as no different to the way engineers look at safety.
“All engineers are aware of safety issues in terms of design, operation, maintenance, etc.,” she says.
“Cyber is the same. If there are any digital technologies involved – a civil engineer, for example, creates smart buildings with digital control systems that can be disrupted to make the building unusable – the engineer needs to factor in cyber threats and risks.”
Chris Sheedy is a professional writer whose work has taken him to the UK, USA, Europe and China. He has a fascination with big things – ideas, organisations, infrastructure, achievements, brands – and the people and processes required to make them a reality.
This is excellent to hear that after two decades of campaigning, Cyber Engineering is finally considered both an Engineering Discipline and a essential requirement for a modern day Australia.
Having just completed a Thesis on how to attain Cyberworthiness of ADF Assets through Engineering design, it is clear that to attain a Cyber Secure system, good engineering practice is essential. Hopefully, as this topic is explored, it will be realized that solid engineering principles, shown in tangible controls , are the backbone of Cyber Defence. Only when lockable cabinets, good cable design, tamper proof systems, part certification and TEMPEST/EMI are designed into the system can Cyberworthiness be achieved.
As Cyber Engineering requires a specific set of training, it is anticipated that it would not be shoe-horned in under the Electrical Engineering College. I can’t wait for software engineering to become an Engineering Discipline in it’s own right as well. Then the two could form a new college covering all things IT, software and hardware engineering.
Good luck. The future is bright.
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