Australia’s unnecessarily high house prices are a way for society to extract wealth from young men and women and families. It’s time for reform.
When the mayor of Sydney’s Leichhardt suburb was elected to the NSW Parliament in 2011, he led opposition to the construction of 1250 apartments that would replace a decaying trotting track.
Forrest Lodge, as it was named, transformed a tired corner of the city into a thriving neighbourhood. The fall in local property prices predicted by Greens MP Jamie Parker never happened.
Greens leader Bob Brown and Leichhardt Mayor Jamie Parker in March, 2011. Dean Sewell
Today, Parker is once again stoking community resentment towards urban development.
In a city where housing costs are one of the greatest causes of social inequality, Parker is running a campaign against a rare opportunity to build apartments with beautiful water views next to new shops, offices, a park and a train station.
The main complaint of opponents of the Bays West project in Rozelle is that it will overshadow – wait for it – a disused power station.
The dispute is an example of why Australian property prices are unnecessarily high, a nationwide problem felt most acutely in Sydney.
Bays West would include apartment buildings next to a disused power station in the Sydney suburb of Rozelle. NSW Government
If the new federal Labor government solves it, or at least makes the problem less severe, a path for reform could be opened that leads to retirement policy and the age pension.
The solution is deceptively simple, according to one of the most active critics of Australian property prices, Peter Tulip, a former Reserve Bank of Australia economist.
“The community needs to accept higher housing density,” he says. “We don’t need to change the legislation or the process; we need a change in values. Planning decisions need to put more weight on housing affordability and less weight on local opposition.”
To convince the public Tulip wants a switch in perception. Instead of seeing apartment buildings as ugly intruders that spoil peaceful neighbourhoods, he wants opposition to them to be understood as contributing to economic inequality by driving up the cost of housing.
Tulip, who now works at a free-market think tank, the Centre for Independent Studies, is currently calculating, suburb by suburb, how much planning restrictions increase the cost of apartments.
The new data, which is several months away from publication, should reveal rich councils that pander to their residents by making it hard for property developers to convert houses into flats.
An earlier, city-wide analysis by Tulip estimated that the average apartment costs $500,000 to build, a figure that includes the builder’s profit, land and financing costs. Limits on the availability of land, imposed by planning rules and Bays West-like opposition to new apartments, raise the cost by $350,000 to $850,000.
The difference between the construction cost and the sale price is usually captured by the owner of the land, or the developer, if the landowner doesn’t appreciate the value of their dirt, according to Tulip.
Either way, society is extracting wealth from young men and women and families. Debt is unnecessarily imposed upon them, or they are forced to the suburban fringes, away from culture and the other benefits of a big city.
The problem is so obvious that federal and state governments offer rolling programs to help people buy their first homes. The NSW government has promised another in next Tuesday’s budget, which is reported to be progress towards Premier Dominic Perrottet’s plan to replace stamp duty on property purchases with an annual land tax.
Julie Collins during the election campaign, when she was Labor’s agriculture spokeswoman. Attila Csaszar
Most of the changes are token ones, because the problem is caused by decisions at the local, state and federal levels of government. Labor’s spokesman for housing before the election, Jason Clare, recognised this, and promised a three-level approach.
In government, Clare got a promotion and the portfolio went to a Tasmanian, Julie Collins, who was housing minister for two months in the second Rudd government. Collins’ current views on urban development are unclear, but she was Labor’s spokesperson for ageing for five years.
Retirees and pensioners are the other part of the housing challenge. The taxation system penalises home sales, which encourages couples to remain in large homes long after their children have left home. Their homes are shielded from capital gains tax and the wealth cut-off for the age pension.
Good-quality apartments built nearby would provide an incentive for retirees to leave their big homes, which could be used by families with children. Retirees want to stay in suburbs they know, around their friends.
About 70 per cent of over-65s are on welfare. As Australia ages – about 25 per cent of us will be over 65 by 2047 – it is only fair on younger generations that the elderly cover most of the cost of their retirements. Which in many cases would mean cashing in their homes, a step the Morrison government tentatively encouraged in its 2021 budget by expanding a little-used reverse-mortgage scheme.
With plenty of time to worry about money, retirees are an opinionated group. Convincing them to accept a loss of their tax breaks would be politically challenging. Jamie Parker’s opposition to Bays West can be overcome by legislative fiat. (The project is still at the consultation stage.) Changing the basic financial circumstances of retirees’ lives would require their consent, and the bill would likely be steep.
But after 20 years of failed attempts to improve the tax system, focusing on the mix of income, business and consumption taxes, a new approach is needed. Housing policy could be the starting point for a new generation of political leaders to enact economic reform.
As for the Forest Lodge project ten years ago, residents at the time argued “overdevelopment of the site will lead to a large increase in traffic and devalue homes in the area”.
The district was transformed. Between the censuses of 2011 and 2016 the share of high-rise apartments rose from 10 per cent of dwellings to 46 per cent. It was one of the largest shifts of its type seen in Sydney that fast.
What happened to prices in the adjoining suburbs of Annadale, Camperdown and Glebe as their new apartment-dwelling neighbours moved in? They kept rising, increasing the wealth of already-prosperous residents.
Maybe that’s the lesson: communities can be enlarged, leaving everyone better off.
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