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With hybrid work setups now becoming the norm for many architecture offices, some firms have embraced remote work for their teams. This week, we highlight 10 firms offering fully and partially remote job positions currently listed on the Archinect Job Board.
If you're curious about maintaining a virtual work-life balance or prepping for a virtual job interview, don't forget to check out our Archinect Tips section!
Neme Design Studio, Inc seeks a Facade Designer/Project Architect
Details: "The candidate’s role is a Facade Designer working under a Senior Facade Designer to design, model, and document facade systems. As Facade Designer / Project Architect, an individual shall: Review projects with the senior facade designer to identify scope. Produce detailed 3D models of the facade system in RhinoProduce plans, elevations, sections, and details in Revit. Produce fabrication drawings of the different facade system components in Rhino and GH." Read more here.
CAC Architects seeks a Lab Architect/Designer
Details: "CAC Architects is looking for someone to fill positions in all ranges with direct experience in lab design and healthcare labs. Responsibilities include directly working with the principal of the firm to develop high-quality designs, drawings, and documents during all phases of projects; putting together architectural drawings and documents required for all phases of a project; and effectively communicating with the client, city officials and team members" Read more here.
Flad Architects seeks a Healthcare Planner
Details: "If you enjoy solving complex challenges in a collaborative environment that celebrates each person's ideas, experience, and creativity, this might be the opportunity for you. Flad is a national architectural firm, with ten offices across the country, specializing in science, healthcare, academic, and workplace spaces. Flad is a team of creative, intelligent, energetic people who help our clients tackle the issues that change people’s lives." Read more here.
Fluidity Design Consultants seeks a Mechanical Engineer
Details: "Fluidity seeks a mechanical engineer for the design and development of plumbing and electrical systems for large-scale water features from concept analysis through commissioning. This work is performed in association with other in-house and out-of-house design professional team members. The position requires a rational approach to engineering problems and systems thinking, covering the key areas of hydraulics, piping, power, signal and controls, and also a general understanding of geometry, structures and construction. Previous experience with water features or irrigation is a plus, though not required." Read more here.
Michael Davis Architects seeks a Drafts Person
Details: "Michael Davis Architects, a high-end residential architecture firm located in Hudson, NY 12534 (with a branch office in Brooklyn, NY), seeks a talented draftsperson to collaborate with and who will be working primarily remotely." Read more here.
Rodney Leon Architect PLLC seeks a Project Architect
Details: "Rodney Leon Architect PLLC is searching for a Consultant to act as Project Architect / Designer to oversee private residential projects at varying stages of development. Candidates should exhibit a strong contemporary design sensibility and extensive knowledge of construction detailing for private residential mid-rise construction. Candidates are expected to collaborate with the design principal on the production of the construction documents, specifications, and coordinate with the technical consultant team on a weekly basis. Candidates shall be proactive, follow up, take initiative and responsibility to move projects forward to completion. The goal is the delivery of project Construction Documents for bid with quality, accuracy, and professionalism within the time frame and budget allotted." Read more here.
Paul A. Castrucci Architects seeks a Project Manager/Project Architect
Details: "We are a growing Architectural and Passive House/Sustainability consulting design firm seeking passionate and self-motivated candidates with 3 to 8 years of experience for a Project Architect / Project Manager / Architect position. We seek an Architect with strong organizational, design, research and construction detailing skills with strong collaboration capacity and willingness to take on new challenges . The ideal candidate will have experience in a variety of design, construction and project management skills, specifically with experience of built multi-family projects in the New York City Area." Read more here.
Montalba Architects, Inc. seeks a Retail Project Manager
Details: " MONTALBA ARCHITECTS, INC., is a design-focused and high-service architectural practice based in Santa Monica, California with a satellite office in Lausanne, Switzerland. We work with a wide range of local and international clients and our body of work consists of private residences, hospitality, commercial and retail projects. Our LA office is located within the Bergamot Station Art campus in Santa Monica; amongst art galleries and the Metro Expo line station. We have a studio-like atmosphere where individuals can focus and inspire each other. We invite people that have high expectations for their own work, are good problem solvers and enjoy a collaborative work environment to apply. Our LA office is seeking a talented Retail Project Manager who is experienced and passionate about retail design." Read more here.
Rock Arch Eng Corp seeks a FISP & Restoration Associate/s
Details: "ROCK is a small progressive architectural firm specializing in FISP & Façade Exterior Investigations/Repairs and Rehabilitation of existing buildings in compliance of NYC DOB Façade Units FISP & Façades rules and regulations. Additionally, we conduct forensic investigations of vaults, roofs, leaks, and sidewalks to name few. We offer a dynamic and progressive, never boring, work environment. We are willing to invest and train hardworking talent willing to learn the ins/outs of the restoration industry. We offer a friendly and flexible work environment that allows remote working combined with performing fields inspections and training on the job. As long as you are self-starter, handworker, committed and willing to learn and grow with us. If you have no fears of heights and are willing to perform scaffold inspections and at home performing field inspections, kindly drop me an email with your resume and salary expectations." Read more here.
Via Collective, Inc. seeks a Project Manager
Details: "We are looking for an NYC area-based project manager who is a responsible, highly motivated, resourceful, and detail-oriented team player with 5-8 years’ of project management experience in architecture, engineering, or wayfinding design to join our team. The Project Manager takes a lead role on projects, liaising directly with the principal, clients, and design team, and is responsible for ensuring the delivery of projects on time and on budget. You will be involved in all management aspects of the project process, including defining project scope, resource planning, and managing schedules and budgets." Read more here.
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